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NetPerSec is a lightweight Windows application that displays the current rate of network traffic being received and sent by your computer. The mini speed graph in the system tray notification area is especially useful for catching network problems at a glance, such as a sudden pause in data transfer. The official product page is PCMag. This page features an updated version of the program by Nayuki in — the functionality is slightly improved and the source code is heavily cleaned up.

Despite the work I contributed to this project, this is considered to be only a maintenance update to the NetPerSec application. New standalone application program: NetPerSec You will need to put the EXE in any folder of your choice. On the first run, it will generate the configuration file NetPerSec.

Automatically starting NetPerSec is an excellent choice, according to my experience. Old version setup program year : NetPerSec Themed widgets are now supported example screenshot on Windows XP , on Windows 7.

The old version renders the controls only in the flat-looking Windows Classic theme. The histogram icon is now borderless, has a gradient background, and has antialiasing for the graph. The bar icon option is unchanged. New: Old:. The average color was changed from teal to yellow, and the graph background color was changed from white to light gray. The histogram graph display was needlessly one sample delayed from the available data.

Fixed in commit 4feac92b3f An instantaneous transfer rate above Previously it drew bars that were way too high. Fixed in commit 3a7e2b9ee.

Fixed in commit aae7df When NetPerSec starts up, the received and sent totals now start at zero. Previously it was an essentially arbitrary number, which was the data transfer of the current network uptime session modulo 2 32 bytes. Also fixed in commit aae7df Calculating the average speed of an interval with over 2 GB of data transferred e.

Fixed in commit c23defa Now the data-gathering logic has been amended so that a computer with a single active network adapter will no longer see such glitch spikes.

Fixed in commit b6cda Numbers are now shown with 2 or 3 decimal places, instead of 1 decimal place previously. This is especially useful for watching small increments in the total data transferred. The auto scale uses exponentially increasing preferred numbers , e. The manual scale also uses preferred numbers 1, 3, 10, 30, , , etc. The entire collection of source code was massively reformatted and simplified by Nayuki. The code was made stylistically consistent, and redundant pieces of logic were removed.

I compiled the code using Microsoft Visual Studio Community You need to install Microsoft Help Workshop hcwsetup. Download New standalone application program: NetPerSec Histogram tray icon The histogram icon is now borderless, has a gradient background, and has antialiasing for the graph.

Default colors The average color was changed from teal to yellow, and the graph background color was changed from white to light gray. Bug fixes The histogram graph display was needlessly one sample delayed from the available data. Decimal places Numbers are now shown with 2 or 3 decimal places, instead of 1 decimal place previously.

Auto scale The auto scale uses exponentially increasing preferred numbers , e. Manual scale The manual scale also uses preferred numbers 1, 3, 10, 30, , , etc. About tab The text was rearranged and credits were added for Nayuki. Help button The Help button no longer functions properly. Moreover, no help file. Source code The entire collection of source code was massively reformatted and simplified by Nayuki. To support Windows visual styles, you need to add the manifest file manifest.

Overview of Project Nayuki software licenses.



NetPerSec (Nayuki’s version).Network Speed Monitor for Windows 10, 7 and (64 bit/32 bit)


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