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– Cultured code things collaboration free
We’ve built it so that the moment you hit a key, the results show up instantly. All your devices sync seamlessly via our free Things Cloud service. You can sync your tasks across apps via the Things Cloud , but you need to buy each app to use it across platforms.
Cultured code things collaboration free. Things for Mac
Things Cloud keeps your to-dos synchronized across all your devices. Frse page explains how to create an account and connect all your devices. Things for Apple Watch requires a Things Cloud account. The initial sync from watch to iPhone might take a few minutes, depending on the size of your database. If you run into any trouble, check out these steps here. Not at this time.
But you can share the same Things Cloud account with others — this will allow you to collaborate on all to-dos in that account. Just have everyone log into the same account from Things on their device. Syncing Your To-Dos. Click the switch for Things Cloud to turn it on. Click Create New Account. Enter your email address and choose a password. Click Continue. Check the box to accept the Terms of Service /46019.txt click Continue. On your iPad or iPhone, open Things.
Tap the switch for Things Cloud to turn it ON. Tap Create New Account. Tap Cultured code things collaboration free. Tap the box cultured code things collaboration free accept the Terms of Service.
Colpaboration Continue again. Mac On your Mac, open Things. Click Log In. Enter the email address and password for the Things Cloud account you created. Tap Log In. Create a Things Cloud account on your iPhone first. On your watch, open Things. In the Welcome screen, tap cultured code things collaboration free Connect button. Make sure that your watch is in proximity to your iPhone. Contact Us. Support Help Contact Getting Productive.
Things 3 Review: Is This To-Do List App Really Worth It? – Using Things on Windows, Android, or the internet
Get Things, Get Done. The apps are available on Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, and iPad. Check out our 15 day free trial of Things for Mac. An easy-to-use to-do-list manager, Things from Cultured Code is a handy way to track to-do items and projects in Apple’s world. If you are.
Cultured code things collaboration free. Things for Mac and iOS 2022 REVIEW
The lists you make in Things are constantly changing, so editing them has to be easy. But as soon as you attach a keyboard to your iPad, all that magic goes away. Almost every list editing action requires you to lift your hand off the keyboard and touch the screen, which gets exhausting. Which items do you want to move?
And so on. Before you can use a shortcut, you need a persistent selection in the list that you can target. Now you can move the selection around with the arrow keys, or hold down shift and use the arrows to select more to-dos.
Yes, it works just like the Mac! One of the beautiful things about the way it works on iPad is how keyboard and touch controls work together seamlessly. You can start selecting to-dos with your keyboard, then tap a few with your finger to add some more, and so on — it just feels natural. Now that you have a selection in the list, there are all sorts of things you can do. Even with a small handful of shortcuts, you already have a lot of power:.
These shortcuts are all very straightforward — chances are you already know most of them. Better yet, just start typing in any of them to filter down the results! It allows you to navigate Things with your keyboard. So grab your keyboard, head on down to the coffee shop, and see what you can do with Things 3. Available now!
Collapsable areas has been one of our most requested features. Applying Tags. The tag window on iOS is now searchable — just pull down and start typing. This makes it much faster to find the right tag in a long list.
Tag Searches. App-wide tag searches are now also broader. Tag Filtering. On your Mac, simply copy a project, heading, or some to-dos and paste them into another list.
We were very pleased with the recent launch of Things URLs , which allow you to create to-dos in Things from outside the app. One of the main features requested is a way to make changes to items that already exist. This is now possible, thanks to our new update commands. Visit our blog to see everything that’s new. Release October 15, Date Added October 15, Version 3. Operating Systems. Operating Systems Macintosh. Total Downloads 29, Downloads Last Week 3.
Report Software. Related Software. Circus Ponies NoteBook Free to try. The electronic notebook that helps you take great notes, manage any project, and stay organized.
BusyCal Free to try. Todoist Free to try. Todo list and task manager for Mac. Wunderlist Free. Manage and share your daily to-do lists. User Reviews. Show Reviews. Developer’s Description By Cultured Code.
Things is a delightful and easy to use task manager. You’ll get started in no time, entering and organizing your to-dos. You’ll discover how Things truly makes you more productive.
And soon you’ll realize that achieving your goals comes more naturally – one to-do at a time. Without going into the details here, let me just mention that 1. You might ask: “Why did those Cultured guys all of a sudden deem keyboard support that important?
After version 1. The reason being that we will have more developer resources available to us! This means that we will be no longer doing one feature at a time. Instead, different development threads or goals will be followed simultaneously. Forthcoming articles will have more background on the extraordinary talent we were able to attract.
Here are our priorities for the next releases: Over-the-air sync , performance , bug fixes , easier collaboration , mixed projects , and better communication of how dates work. Let’s flesh this out in a little more detail Believe it or not, we have been working on over-the-air sync since the beginning of this year.
In the meantime, our goal changed from “something that works” check out our competition if you want to know what we mean by that to “a really sweet solution”. The tough challenge here is to develop a highly performance-oriented solution that works for everybody. The whole issue is indeed complex and interesting enough to warrant its own blog post, but suffice it here to say that we are well under way to providing the above-mentioned “really sweet solution” :.
Performance should be pretty self-explanatory. Users with large libraries are beginning to see sluggish behavior. This is unacceptable for an application whose foremost goal is to make you more productive. While Things 1. Collaboration is a very interesting problem space, and I think the importance of better support for teamwork in Things is pretty obvious. We will soon make a little step forward in this area to ease the workflow when working together.
We are committed to constantly improve what we are doing here in the next few months and most likely well beyond. For some users, mixed projects are a big deal. What we mean by this is the ability for active projects to also contain inactive and scheduled items.
What seems to be an innocent change is in fact also a big deal for us as developers. When conceiving Things, we very deliberately did not want to have mixed projects. We so much didn’t want it, that we even made the decision on the level of our data model design for both the Mac and iPhone version. This is the reason why we kept postponing the implementation of these improvements.
August 27th, Welcome Bartek! Welcome iGTD Users! Insert sounds of heads exploding We were speechless. So, I am very happy to finally be able to say this: Welcome Bartek! We are thrilled to have you! August 27th, Things 1. As always, you can read the full release notes in our wiki. Quick Entry Autofill Imagine the following scenario: You receive an email from a friend asking you to buy some items for his party.
If you go to the Things application preferences, you can see that there is now a second system-wide keyboard shortcut you can specify: Of course, you can fully customize this shortcut. If you select a task and then press Command-Up or Command-Down, it will move the task up or down in the current list.
If you also hold down the Option key, it will move the selected task to the first or last position. Filtering by tags is now also accessible from the keyboard. In this case, pressing Control-h in a given list will filter it by that tag. Pressing Control-h a second time will remove the filter and show all tasks again. If you want to modify either the due date or the start date Scheduled list , you can now do that via the keyboard, too.
In the Scheduled list, postponing a scheduled item for one more day can be achieved by pressing Control-] on a US keyboard, whereas Control-[ subtracts one day from the scheduled date. If you also hold down the Shift modifier key, 1 week will be added or subtracted. The shortcuts for due dates behave similarly.
If you look at the position of those shortcuts on a US keyboard, you will see that we have chosen them to be in close proximity to one another: If you have a non-US keyboard layout, then the [ and ] keys might be replaced by other keys, like umlauts for example in the case of a German keyboard: The general idea is to keep the position of the keys the same no matter how those keys are labeled.
Spotlight The first time you launch Things 1. August 25th, Introducing Forums 2. Trying to analyze the situation, I believe we made three mistakes: We never clearly stated that, above anything else, we consider the forums to be user forums.
That is forums for and from users of Things. We never intended to make any official statements there. There are notable exceptions though, which, of course, only added to the confusion. Our presence in the forums was sporadic and inconsistent.