Malnutrition Amongst Seniors

Posted Horizon Nursing Senior Information

Over six million seniors are malnourished or at risk in the United States.

Leading causes to malnutrition amongst seniors…can be caused mostly by the inability to get outside the house on their own and shop or prepare meals due to lack of mobility. Those seniors that are able to shop for themselves often don’t have the economic means to buy food that is healthy in order to give them the proper nutrition.

Malnutrition that is not treated can lead to… increased risk of infection, delayed healing of wounds and easy bruising. This can end up creating further medical costs to the senior and their family.

Consider getting help… a caregiver can provide assistance to your family member. They are able to do the grocery shopping, prepare meals, and can cut food so it will be easier to chew if necessary. Ensuring that your loved one is fed properly will keep them healthy and happy.

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